IND Forms


No session has been found. The session might have expired. You can fill in the form again. Should this error occur again, please check if your browser supports cookies.
Restart form


Select the file with the saved answers that you want to open.
Note! Only forms that have been stored as a file (with file extension .tfa) when entering your data, can be opened.


Select the file that needs to be saved.
Please note: there are some technical limitations when saving a document.
Only files that you save while completing this form and which meet these equirements can be opened later:

  1. The file is saved with file extension .tfa
  2. The total tfa file size (application + any uploads) is less than 25 MB.


Processing of personal data

The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) processes personal data when it processes your application. This means that if needed the IND will request data from you yourself and other organisations or persons. The IND also uses and stores data and shares them with other organisations. The IND uses cookies to analyse the use of this website and to improve its user friendliness. When doing so, the IND strictly adheres to the stipulations of privacy legislation.

On Privacy | Immigration- and Naturalisation Service (IND) you can read how the IND processes your data and which rights you have. You can also read how to use your rights.